Call for communciations The XXX° Conference of the ERECO-PGV network continues the work initiated at previous conferences concerning crises in Europe. The 2025 conference, organized by the Université Paul Valéry Montpellier, invites researchers to particularly discuss Europe’s ability to respond to crises by exploring entrepreneurial and innovation dynamics. The consideration of citizens, regions, and businesses represents a key focus of the research orientation of this European network. Crises take various forms—economic, industrial, social, and political health. They generate imbalances and spark debate. Crises compel us to reflect on developing a common European project that can overcome them and explore new models to meet these challenges. Europe has experienced many crises, including the migrant crisis, the integration of new members into the community, the COVID-19 health crisis, and issues related to defence and global cooperation policies. ERECO-PGV has addressed these themes through multidisciplinary research. For example, …« les personnes ne disposant pas d'une connexion Internet …ont été considérablement et rapidement désavantagées. C'est pourquoi notre proposition serait de rendre l’accès à l'internet comme une forme de bien public »[1] and « Les entreprises doivent changer d’état d’esprit en décidant de ne plus agir comme des monades isolées, mais plutôt comme un "unicum" tenu ensemble par un réseau coordonné de relations synergiques »[2], « Les leçons d’une crise : Comment les territoires, les citoyens et les entreprises s’approprient l’Europe »[3], « Quand une crise est porteuse d’innovations : Comment les territoires, les citoyens et les entreprises s’approprient l’Europe »[4], « Cooperation and Enlargement:Two Challenges to be Addressed in the European Projects—2022 »[5].
Since its creation, the European project has aimed to foster cooperation and provide collective answers. Jean Monnet, a founder of the European project, reflected in his memories that "Europe will be built in crises, and it will be the sum of the solutions adopted for those crises" (J. Monnet, 1976). Yet, could the incomplete nature of European institutions also be a source of crises (E. Spolaore, 2023)? Today, Europe faces numerous challenges: climate change, deindustrialization and reindustrialization, digital policies, skills development, and more. This is why, at the XXX° ERECO-PGV conference, authors are invited to submit papers that highlight and discuss proposals, directions, and innovations for European reflection and decision-making. A focus on innovative and entrepreneurial dimensions will be emphasized. In response to recurring crises, Europe has sought solutions through innovation and entrepreneurship. Were the pioneers of Europe themselves entrepreneurs of European integration? Since the 1980s, in a context of increasing international competition, Europe has prioritized innovation linked to entrepreneurship, initiating major research cooperation programs such as Esprit and Eureka. Today, faced with current challenges such as climate change, deindustrialization, and digitalization, innovation and entrepreneurship are major concerns of the European project, particularly within the Horizon Europe programme (2021-27). This programme emphasizes the dual digital and ecological transition as a key pillar for emerging from crises and enhancing international competitiveness. The European reindustrialization policy raises questions about the positioning of industries within the value chain and the means for ensuring the success of these strategies. This policy encourages collaboration between European countries and actors, fostering Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs) that address current issues, ranging from climate change to renewable energy, industry, and recently, culture and creative arts. There has been a focus on breakthrough innovations, particularly through the creation of the European Innovation Council (2021). It aims to support breakthrough innovations, especially start-ups and SMEs at various stages of development. However, the European innovation policy adopts a broader approach, incorporating not just radical innovation, often highlighted in deep-tech programmes, but also user-driven and societal innovation, which is becoming essential in entrepreneurial projects. Regional action is encouraged through the European Entrepreneurial Region award, created by the European Committee of the Regions in collaboration with the European Commission. This award recognizes regions, cities, or cross-border territories that implement a comprehensive entrepreneurial vision. Proposals for a “Made in Europe” label have also been made to support European businesses. Europe has chosen to make innovation and entrepreneurship key responses to not only economic and industrial crises but also political and social challenges. This strategy is implemented at the macro level (European and national policies), the meso level (regional policies), and the micro level (individual actors). Public policies, regions, businesses, and citizens of Europe are all seen as actors of innovation and entrepreneurial dynamics. This conference will provide an opportunity to study these political choices and encourage the exchange of ideas from economists, legal experts, managers, sociologists, and policy makers on a variety of topics, including armed conflicts, sustainable development, reindustrialization, reconfiguring value chains, innovation, artificial intelligence, and migration crises. Research results focused on the European context will particularly be appreciated. ERECO-PGV aims to highlight original research questioning innovation and entrepreneurship strategies in the context of crisis recovery. The conference is open to multidisciplinary approaches—historical, sociological, legal, political, economic, managerial, and territorial. Suggested themes include:
Suggested Topics (Non-exhaustive List): - European citizens in the face of crises - The challenge of skills within European businesses - Innovation tools and their impact on regions and European policies - The status of European companies - Entrepreneurship within Europe as a response to crises - Corporate engagement in innovative European dynamics - Innovative and entrepreneurial regional ecosystems within Europe - Entrepreneurial European regions - Territorial challenges regarding European reindustrialization policies - … References Cukier Alexis, Gallo LassereDavide, (2018) « Les crises de la construction européenne : une approche multidimensionnelle », Noesis [En ligne], 30-31 | 2018, mis en ligne le 15 juin 2020 Grin Gilles, (2009), Jean Monnet et les crises européennes, in Construction européenne crises et relances, Actes du colloque, pp 27-45, Lausanne, 18 et 19 avril, Economica. Monnet Jean, (1976), Mémoires, Paris, Fayard, p. 488. Pellat Ghislaine, Rkibi Tawfiq (2024), « Quand une crise est porteuses d’innovations : Comment les territoires, les citoyens et les entreprises s’approprient l’Europe », L’Harmattan, 280 pages. Pellat Ghislaine, Zafiroski Jovan, Suplata Marian (2024) « Cooperation and Enlargement: Two Challenges to be Addressed in the European Projects—2022 », Springer Ed,, 374 pages Pellat Ghislaine, Richet Xavier (2021) « L’Europe, ses acteurs et leurs stratégies : Visions managériales croisées », Collection questionner l’Europe, L’Harmattan, 272 pages. Rkibi Tawfiq, Pellat Ghislaine (2024) « Les leçons d’une crise : Comment les territoires, les citoyens et les entreprises s’approprient l’Europe », L’Harmattan, 200 pages. Spolaore Enrico, 2023, « L’Europe avant la tempête », Le Grand Continent, 27 avril. Important Dates for Participants: - 5 November 2024: Abstract submission deadline on the ERECO PGV platform - 12 November 2024: Abstract evaluations and communication of decisions to authors - 10 April 2025: Submission of full papers on the platform - 17 April 2025: ERECO-PGV Scientific Council meeting - 23 April 2025: Communication of evaluation results to authors - 23 May 2025: Submission of revised papers and associated abstracts - 26-27 June 2025: Conference in Montpellier
Publication Options for Selected Papers after the conference - Springer (in English) - L’Harmattan (in French) - Management & Governance Journal (mainly in French) Authors will be advised to follow the submission guidelines of each publisher based on their preference after the conference. Thank you to upload your documents on this platform and to send it also to : Ghislaine Pellat, Université Grenoble Alpes, And Catherine Marty-Peyroux, Université Paul Valéry Montpellier,
[1] « L’exclusion numérique : qu’avons-nous appris de la crise Covid-19 ? », Kuráková, Ivana, Lacová, Žaneta, Vallušová, Anna, Université Matej Bel, Banská Bystrica, Slovaquie in « Les leçons d’une crise » 2024, L’Harmattan. [2] « Création d’entreprise : repenser les entreprises pour relever de nouveaux défis après une pandémie », Puzzonia, Maurizio, Laboratorio Athena, Italie in « Quand une crise est porteuse d’innovations », 2024, L’Harmattan. [3] Rkibi Tawfiq, Pellat Ghislaine (2024) « Les leçons d’une crise : Comment les territoires, les citoyens et les entreprises s’approprient l’Europe », L’Harmattan, 200 pages.[4] Pellat Ghislaine, Rkibi Tawfiq (2024), « Quand une crise est porteuses d’innovations : Comment les territoires, les citoyens et les entreprises s’approprient l’Europe », L’Harmattan, 280 pages.[5] Pellat Ghislaine, Zafiroski Jovan, Suplata Marian (2024) « Cooperation and Enlargement: Two Challenges to be Addressed in the European Projects—2022 », Springer Ed,, 374 pages
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